10th BRAINN Congress - simbolo cerebro high (1)

April 03 - 05

School of Medical Sciences - Unicamp

Extra Events


BRAINN_XR Symposium on Virtual Reality for Neurofunctional Recovery

April 01st, 2024

The BRAINN_XR Symposium, part of the 10th BRAINN Congress, supported by the São Paulo Research Foundation - FAPESP, aims to disseminate the advances in the area of Extended Reality for Neurofunctional Recovery and to promote interaction among researchers from other institutions interested in this subject area.

II Symposium of Neurophysiology and Neuromodulation

in Sport, Exercise and Motor Rehabilitation

April 02nd, 2024

The aim of the “II Symposium of Neurophysiology and Neuromodulation in Sport, Exercise and Motor Rehabilitation” is to present innovative research involving neuromuscular and neurophysiological measures related to exercise and health, and to discuss clinical applications for motor rehabilitation improvements in individuals with neurological conditions.

Curso de Neuroimagem

Departamento de Neurologia, FCM, UNICAMP

April 02nd, 2024

Neuroimaging techniques are increasingly embedded in academic research and clinical practice. The Neuroimaging Course aims to enable a researcher/student to acquire knowledge and critical understanding of the main tools applied to neuroimaging today. It is not necessary to have prior knowledge in neuroimaging to participate.

Técnicas de neuroimagem estão cada vez mais arraigadas na pesquisa acadêmica e na prática clínica. O Curso de Neuroimagem tem como objetivo possibilitar que um pesquisador/estudante adquira conhecimento e entendimento crítico sobre os principais ferramentais aplicados a neuroimagens da atualidade. Não é necessário ter conhecimento prévio em neuroimagem para participar.


Para o Congresso do BRAINN propomos um curso com duração de 1 dia sendo compostos por 4 módulos abordando conceitos básicos de imagem médicas, análise estrutural (T1 e Tractografia), fMRI e espectroscopia (Tabela 1). 

Tabela 1: Programação curso pré-congresso do Brainn




1º Bloco

Conceitos Básicos de Imagens Médicas

Dr. Raphael Fernandes Casseb

2º Bloco

Análises Estruturais, Tractografia e Suas Aplicações

Dr. Thiago Junqueira Ribeiro de Rezende

3º Bloco

fMRI: Conceitos, Block-Design e EEG-fMRI

Dr. Brunno Machado de Campo

4º Bloco

Espectroscopia: Teoria e Aplicações

Dra Luciana Ramalho



For the BRAINN Congress, we propose a 1-day course consisting of 4 modules covering basic concepts of medical imaging, structural analysis (T1 and Tractography), fMRI and spectroscopy (Table 1).

Table 1: Brainn pre-congress course schedule




1º Block

Medical Imaging Basics

Dr. Raphael Fernandes Casseb

2º Block

Structural Analysis, Tractography and Its Applications

Dr. Thiago Junqueira Ribeiro de Rezende

3º Block

fMRI: Concepts, Block-Design and EEG-fMRI

Dr. Brunno Machado de Campo

4º Block

Spectroscopy: Theory and Applications

Dra Luciana Ramalho


To participate, send an email to [email protected] before registering for the course.


BRAINN Congress - Sponsors 2023 - Brain Support Quadrado

Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.

BRAINN CONGRESS - Sponsor - Epistemic - website

We are Epistemic, a startup that develops tools using technology to achieve our main objective: improving the lives of patients with epilepsy and their families.

BRAINN CONGRESS - Sponsors - LBE 75 anos (1)

The Brazilian Epilepsy League (LBE, in Portuguese) is an association that brings together medics and other professionals dedicated to the treatment of epilepsy patients.
