Welcome to the 9th Congress of the Brazilian Institute of Neuroscience and Neurotechnology (BRAINN)
APRIL 17th - 19th, 2023
Welcome to official website for the 9th BRAINN Congress (Congress of the Brazilian Institute of Neuroscience and Neurotechnology), which will be held at the School of Medical Sciences, Unicamp, in Campinas, in April 2023. Find below the confirmed speakers (06 of the best national and international researchers in their fields of work), the preliminary program and send your abstract!
We provide below all the necessary information for you on how to prepare and send your abstract. Also, check our preliminary schedule and send us a message if you have any questions!

Welcome to Campinas, the city hosting the 9th Congress of the Brazilian Institute of Neuroscience and Neurotechnology (BRAINN)
Auditório 5 FCM
R. Albert Sabin, s/ nº. Cidade Universitária "Zeferino Vaz" CEP: 13083-894.
Campinas, SP, Brasil.
Where to stay
- Hotel Vitória Express
- follow the link above for an automatic 10% off, exclusive to BRAINN CONGRESS participants!
You can now register for the 9th BRAINN CONGRESS following the link below.
The fees below are valid until March 24th, 2023
- Undergraduate Students (Completed or in progress): R$ 120
- Graduate Students (Completed or in progress): R$ 160
- Professors and other Professionals: R$ 200
Values from March 24th, 2023 to April 3rd, 2023
- Undergraduate Students (Completed or in progress): R$ 180
- Graduate Students (Completed or in progress): R$ 220
- Professors and other Professionals: R$ 260
After April 3rd, 2023, the registration fee can only be paid at the event secretariat. No credit cards allowed. The fees will be 20% higher than the values until April 3rd.
See below the fees from April 4th onwards. Reservations can be made by sending an email to [email protected].
Fees after April 3rd
9th Brainn Congress Alunos Graduação (Concluída ou em andamento) | R$ 120,00 |
9th Brainn Congress Alunos Pós-Graduação (Concluída ou em andamento) | R$ 160,00 |
9th Brainn Congress Professores e demais profissionais | R$ 200,00 |
9th Brainn Congress Alunos Graduação (Concluída ou em andamento) + VII Workshop BIPMED | R$ 175,00 |
9th Brainn Congress Alunos Pós-Graduação (Concluída ou em andamento) + VII Workshop BIPMED | R$ 215,00 |
9th Brainn Congress Professores e demais profissionais + VII Workshop BIPMED | R$ 255,00 |
VII Workshop BIPMED - valor único (Limitado a 50 lugares) | R$ 55,00 |
9th Brainn Congress Alunos Graduação (Concluída ou em andamento) + I Workshop LBE-BRAINN | R$ 140,00 |
9th Brainn Congress Alunos Pós-Graduação (Concluída ou em andamento) + I Workshop LBE-BRAINN | R$ 180,00 |
9th Brainn Congress Professores e demais profissionais + I Workshop LBE-BRAINN | R$ 220,00 |
I Workshop LBE-BRAINN - Valor Único | R$ 60,00 |
VII Workshop BIPMED + I Workshop LBE-BRAINN (sem participação no 9th Brainn Congress) - Valor Único | R$ 115,00 |
9th Brainn Congress Alunos Graduação (Concluída ou em andamento) + VII Workshop BIPMED + I Workshop LBE-BRAINN | R$ 195,00 |
9th Brainn Congress Alunos Pós-Graduação (Concluída ou em andamento) + VII Workshop BIPMED + I Workshop LBE-BRAINN | R$ 235,00 |
9th Brainn Congress Professores e demais profissionais + VII Workshop BIPMED + I Workshop LBE-BRAINN | R$ 275,00 |
We invite all interested researchers and students to submit abstracts to the 9th BRAINN Congress 2023.
Submitted abstracts will undergo peer review by the Scientific Committee. Your work can be accepted as a ‘Poster Presentation’ (then you can present it via a printed poster and a 03-minute short video) or an ‘Oral Presentation’ (a 07-minute video presentation, based on slides).
- Deadline for abstract submission: February 21, 2023
- Notification of acceptance (updated!): March 15, 2023
Scroll down for instruction on how to prepare your poster, video or slides, how to send your abstract,
the formatting requirements and links for our templates.
How to send your abstract to the Congress?
O pagamento com desconto poderá ser realizado até dia 24 de março.
A apresentação dos trabalhos foi dividida em duas categorias: Oral e Pôster.
As instruções para envio dos materiais solicitados estão abaixo. A data de cada apresentação será informada nos próximos dias , através de e-mail e disponibilizada no site.
Regras de Apresentação:
Categoria Pôster:
Se o seu trabalho foi selecionado na categoria “Pôster”, você o apresentará por meio de:
- um vídeo curto de 03 minutos, a ser enviado até dia 09 de abril
- um pôster impresso, que deverá ser apresentado na sessão de pôsteres durante o congresso.
Instruções para impressão do pôster estão disponíveis no site. Segue abaixo um resumo:
Medidas para impressão:
- Altura: 1,20 cm
- Largura: 0,90 cm
O pôster deve estar em inglês.
Cada aluno é responsável pela impressão do seu pôster.
Certifique-se de incluir as seguintes informações no canto superior direito:
- Categoria do 1º autor (graduação, mestrado, doutorado, pós-doutorado);
- Se for um pôster “Projetos”, inclua esta informação no canto superior direito.
Este ano, selecionaremos os melhores resumos de acordo com uma combinação de notas que inclui as notas que você já recebeu dos revisores e as novas notas que você receberá durante sua apresentação. Encorajamos os primeiros autores a apresentarem seus trabalhos; caso contrário, o pôster não participará do concurso.
O grande desafio será apresentar seu estudo para um público amplo, ou seja, você terá que se esforçar para impressionar revisores de diferentes áreas do conhecimento. Seja criativo para explicar sua justificativa/histórico, métodos, resultados e conclusões para cientistas de diferentes áreas.
Categoria Oral:
Se o seu trabalho foi selecionado na categoria “Oral”, você o apresentará por meio de:
- um vídeo curto de 03 minutos, a ser enviado até dia 09 de abril
- uma apresentação, em inglês, de até 07 minutos, baseada em slides, ao vivo, durante o congresso.
Instruções de slides para a Categoria Oral:
Sua apresentação tem duração prevista de 07 minutos, seguida de 03 minutos para perguntas e respostas. Recomendamos fazer uma apresentação de 10 slides (máximo 12). Envie seus arquivos para a organização via o e-mail [email protected] até 10 de abril de 2023.
Os slides devem ser preparados em inglês.
A fonte do texto do título deve ser Arial (32pt) ou Times New Roman (40pt).
A fonte do texto do conteúdo deve ser Arial (24pt) ou Times New Roman (30pt).
Para slides com fundos claros, recomendamos fontes escuras.
Para slides que incluam vídeo, recomendamos usar o tamanho de tela inteira.
Caso o primeiro autor não possa apresentar os slides, aceitaremos um coautor da mesma categoria. Se isso não for possível, por favor nos avise.
Caso queira utilizar um template para PowerPoint, acesse-o aqui.
Instruções para gravação do vídeo em ambas categorias:
Como mencionado acima, o participante deverá enviar um vídeo simples de apresentação do seu trabalho.
O vídeo deve ter entre 01 e 03 minutos de duração e resumir de forma clara e objetiva o seu trabalho.
O vídeo deverá ser nomeado da seguinte forma:
Formato MP4 com limite de 400MB, resolução 1920×1080, gravado na horizontal, em inglês (preferencialmente) ou português. Por favor, preste atenção à qualidade do som e da imagem.
Envie o link de acesso/download do vídeo para o e-mail [email protected] até o dia 09 de abril de 2023. O arquivo pode ser carregado em plataformas de vídeo como o YouTube. Apenas certifique-se de que este link venha SEM nenhuma restrição de acesso, pois ele será exibido na plataforma do evento e não poderá sofrer nenhum impedimento de visualização.
Ao enviar o vídeo, você concorda com os termos abaixo. Caso não concorde, comunique-se por este e-mail.
AUTORIZO o CEPID BRAINN, atualmente sediado na Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP, a utilizar minha imagem, presente em todo e qualquer material enviado ao evento 9º BRAINN CONGRESS (www.brainncongress.com), incluindo imagens de vídeo, fotos, voz, e arquivos PDF, a seu exclusivo critério. Esta autorização é concedida gratuitamente, abrangendo a utilização da referida imagem em todo o território nacional e no exterior, para divulgação científica e/ou de eventos do CEPID BRAINN, podendo ser utilizada a qualquer tempo em eventos que vierem a ser realizados pelo CEPID BRAINN .
Both posters and oral presentations must be presented in English.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology.
Obs.: Please note that submitting an abstract does not exempt you from registering for the conference. In order to attend the conference and present your work, you must also register!
Prizes will be given for the best abstract in each of the following categories:
- Undergraduate research,
- Master’s degree research,
- Ph.D. research,
- Post-doctoral research.
To submit your abstract, please go to the Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) homepage and set up an account.
Next, access this page.
Click on “+ Create new submission”, then follow the guidelines to submit your abstract.
Be sure to select the correct abstract category to receive proper scientific consideration and a fair/unbiased grade by reviewers with expertise in the field of research. These are the categories:
- Applied clinical neuroscience
- Experimental basic neuroscience
- Neuroscience for education
- Neurotechnology
- Projects (if your work is just beginning and you have not obtained any results yet, you can submit it in this category)
If the 9th BRAINN Congress happens as an in-person event, there will be printed posters sessions. Here are the instructions on how to prepare your posters.
- Posters must be in English.
- Each student is responsible for printing his/her poster.
- The specific dimensions for the poster will be informed soon.
Please make sure you include the following information in the right upper corner:
- Category of 1st author (undergrad, master, PhD, post-doc);
- If it is a “Projects” poster, please include this information in the right upper corner.
This year, we will select the best abstracts according to a combination of scores that includes the grades you already received from reviewers and the new grades you will receive during your presentation. We encourage the first authors to present their work; otherwise, the poster will not enter the competition. The great challenge will be to present your study to a broad audience, meaning you have to make an effort to impress reviewers from different areas of expertise. Be creative to explain your rationale/background, methods, results and conclusions to scientists from different areas!
Some participants will be chosen to present their work as an “Oral Presentation”. This means that they will have the opportunity to prepare a 07-minute PowerPoint presentation, followed by a 03-minute Q&A, during the event. Here are the instructions for this presentation.
- Slides must be prepared in English.
- The title text font must be in Arial (32pt) or Times New Roman (40pt).
- The content text font must be Arial (24pt) or Times New Roman (30pt).
- For slides with light backgrounds, we recommend dark fonts.
- For slides including video, we recommend using the full screen size.
- If the first author cannot present the slides, we will accept a co-author from the same category. If this is not possible, please let us know.
Your presentation is expected to last 07 minutes, with 03 minutes for questions and answers. We recommend making a 10-slide presentation (maximum 12). Send your files to the organization ([email protected]) by April 10, 2023.
⇲ Click here to download the Abstract Submission Template (.docx)
(the basic Abstract template)
⇲ Or click here to download the Project Template (.docx)
(a ‘Project’ is a Category that you can select if your work is just beginning and you have not obtained any results yet)
⇲ Click here to download the PPT Presentation Template (.pptx)
(a PowerPoint template for your presentation)
Format rules for Abstracts (all must be in English):
- Title must be in 14pt bold Times New Roman.
- Authors’ names must be in 12pt Times New Roman.
- Affiliations must be in 10pt Times New Roman.
- Section titles must be in 12pt bold Times New Roman.
- Section text and references must be in 12pt Times New Roman.
- Margins must be 2 cm (all sides), and simple line spacing must be used.
- the abstract must fit in a single A4 Sheet.
- The BRAINN logo must be at the upper left corner and the congress name, date and place at the upper right corner (see the Template on the previous tab).
- References must be cited in the text by numbers enclosed in square brackets (e.g., [1])
References’ format must be:
- if the reference has a DOI: cite the first author (followed by “et al.” if there are more authors), then the DOI, as in:
- [1] Surname AB et al., doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.10.003;
- if the reference does not have a DOI: cite the first author (followed by “et al.” if there are more authors), then the abbreviated journal name (do not write the title of the paper), followed directly by the volume, issue, pages, and year, as in:
- [1] Surname AB et al., Journal 33(5): 1014-1018, 2010.
Tables and/or Figures:
You can include two elements (Tables and/or Figures) in your abstract. Ensure your figure/table is clear, with an appropriate font size to be visible. Avoid complex graphics; simple line or bar graphs are most appropriate (all figures will be printed in black/white). Certify that the font size is adequately large on each axis to be visible.
Use the print preview tool available in any word-processing software to check a printed version of the abstract before submitting it. Be sure the two figures/graphs fit in one page, along with the text abstract (see the template with example).
The BRAINN logo must be at the upper left corner, and the congress name, date and place at the top right corner (see template).
Tables and Figures must fit in a single A4 sheet.
Avoid common mistakes:
Abstracts not following the required format will not be accepted.
Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission. If accepted, your abstract will be printed as submitted, and no changes will be allowed.
Follow the checklist below and avoid these common mistakes!
- Typographical errors.
- Excessive use of abbreviations. All abbreviations should be defined. Use generic, not commercial, names for all therapeutic agents.
- Failure to include identifiable sections such as Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results, Discussion / Conclusions.
- Failure to state a conclusion. We encourage a final sentence that says: “In conclusion …”.
- Failure to state sample size.
- Do not include the names or personal information of any patient participating in the study or trial.
- Avoid duplicative work.
Remember: Make sure your abstract is clear, concise, and follows all rules. Show your abstract to a colleague prior to submission. A new review will help spot any errors and ensure the final product is ready for submission.
You can re-enter the submission system at any time to view and edit your abstract until the deadline. No changes will be allowed after the submission deadline. You are welcome to present an updated poster/slide onsite, as long as it does not change the main idea of the submitted work.
O pagamento com desconto poderá ser realizado até dia 24 de março.
A apresentação dos trabalhos foi dividida em duas categorias: Oral e Pôster.
As instruções para envio dos materiais solicitados estão abaixo. A data de cada apresentação será informada nos próximos dias , através de e-mail e disponibilizada no site.
Regras de Apresentação:
Categoria Pôster:
Se o seu trabalho foi selecionado na categoria “Pôster”, você o apresentará por meio de:
- um vídeo curto de 03 minutos, a ser enviado até dia 03 de abril,
- um pôster impresso, que deverá ser apresentado na sessão de pôsteres durante o congresso.
Instruções para impressão do pôster estão disponíveis no site. Segue abaixo um resumo:
Medidas para impressão:
- Altura: 1,20 cm
- Largura: 0,90 cm
O pôster deve estar em inglês.
Cada aluno é responsável pela impressão do seu pôster.
Certifique-se de incluir as seguintes informações no canto superior direito:
- Categoria do 1º autor (graduação, mestrado, doutorado, pós-doutorado);
- Se for um pôster “Projetos”, inclua esta informação no canto superior direito.
Este ano, selecionaremos os melhores resumos de acordo com uma combinação de notas que inclui as notas que você já recebeu dos revisores e as novas notas que você receberá durante sua apresentação. Encorajamos os primeiros autores a apresentarem seus trabalhos; caso contrário, o pôster não participará do concurso.
O grande desafio será apresentar seu estudo para um público amplo, ou seja, você terá que se esforçar para impressionar revisores de diferentes áreas do conhecimento. Seja criativo para explicar sua justificativa/histórico, métodos, resultados e conclusões para cientistas de diferentes áreas.
Categoria Oral:
Se o seu trabalho foi selecionado na categoria “Oral”, você o apresentará por meio de:
- um vídeo curto de 03 minutos, a ser enviado até dia 03 de abril
- uma apresentação, em inglês, de até 07 minutos, baseada em slides, ao vivo, durante o congresso.
Instruções de slides para a Categoria Oral:
Sua apresentação tem duração prevista de 07 minutos, seguida de 03 minutos para perguntas e respostas. Recomendamos fazer uma apresentação de 10 slides (máximo 12). Envie seus arquivos para a organização via o e-mail [email protected] até 10 de abril de 2023.
Os slides devem ser preparados em inglês.
A fonte do texto do título deve ser Arial (32pt) ou Times New Roman (40pt).
A fonte do texto do conteúdo deve ser Arial (24pt) ou Times New Roman (30pt).
Para slides com fundos claros, recomendamos fontes escuras.
Para slides que incluam vídeo, recomendamos usar o tamanho de tela inteira.
Caso o primeiro autor não possa apresentar os slides, aceitaremos um coautor da mesma categoria. Se isso não for possível, por favor nos avise.
Caso queira utilizar um template para PowerPoint, acesse-o aqui.
Instruções para gravação do vídeo em ambas categorias:
Como mencionado acima, o participante deverá enviar um vídeo simples de apresentação do seu trabalho.
O vídeo deve ter entre 01 e 03 minutos de duração e resumir de forma clara e objetiva o seu trabalho.
O vídeo deverá ser nomeado da seguinte forma:
Formato MP4 com limite de 400MB, resolução 1920×1080, gravado na horizontal, em inglês (preferencialmente) ou português. Por favor, preste atenção à qualidade do som e da imagem.
Envie o link de acesso/download do vídeo para o e-mail [email protected] até o dia 03 de abril de 2023. O arquivo pode ser carregado em plataformas de vídeo como o YouTube. Apenas certifique-se de que este link venha SEM nenhuma restrição de acesso, pois ele será exibido na plataforma do evento e não poderá sofrer nenhum impedimento de visualização.
Ao enviar o vídeo, você concorda com os termos abaixo. Caso não concorde, comunique-se por este e-mail.
AUTORIZO o CEPID BRAINN, atualmente sediado na Universidade Estadual de Campinas – UNICAMP, a utilizar minha imagem, presente em todo e qualquer material enviado ao evento 9º BRAINN CONGRESS (www.brainncongress.com), incluindo imagens de vídeo, fotos, voz, e arquivos PDF, a seu exclusivo critério. Esta autorização é concedida gratuitamente, abrangendo a utilização da referida imagem em todo o território nacional e no exterior, para divulgação científica e/ou de eventos do CEPID BRAINN, podendo ser utilizada a qualquer tempo em eventos que vierem a ser realizados pelo CEPID BRAINN .
We invite all interested researchers and students to submit abstracts to the 9th BRAINN Congress 2023. Submitted abstracts will undergo peer review by the Scientific Committee. Your work can be accepted as a ‘Poster Presentation’ or an ‘Oral Presentation’.
If it is selected as a ‘Poster Presentation’, then you will present it via:
- a printed poster and
- a 03-minute short video.
If it is selected as an ‘Oral Presentation’, then you will present it via:
- a printed poster and
- a 03-minute short video and
- a 07-minute presentation, based on slides
Due to the instability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 9th BRAINN Congress will be held either in person or online. For this reason, we will make some changes to the way in which abstracts are presented in 2023.
All those who have their work accepted for presentation by the Organizing Committee must send a video presentation of their work, lasting from 1 to 3 minutes. The instructions on how to prepare the video can be found in the section below. All videos will be available on the event’s website and on our YouTube channel, even before the event.
If the number of COVID-19 cases is stable and the event can be held in person (as we hope), the ‘normal’ poster presentations (printed posters) will be maintained, according to the event schedule.
If there is need to hold the event virtually, the abstracts will be presented only through the videos already sent. In this case, they will be mandatory, replacing the printed posters. Besides, there will also be a virtual session of questions and answers, live, during the event.
Whether the event is in person or virtual, the authors of works selected in the Oral category will present their research in a 7-minute presentation, based on slides (see instructions below), on the days of the event. If the event is in-person, this presentation will be live, in front of the audience; if it is online, it will be presented in a video call.
Both posters and oral presentations must be presented in English.
Accepted abstracts will be published in the Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology.
Obs.: Please note that submitting an abstract does not exempt you from registering for the conference. In order to attend the conference and present your work, you must also register!
Prizes will be given for the best abstract in each of the following categories:
- Undergraduate research,
- Master’s degree research,
- Ph.D. research,
- Post-doctoral research.
To submit your abstract, please go to the Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) homepage and set up an account.
Next, access this page.
Click on “+ Create new submission”, then follow the guidelines to submit your abstract.
Be sure to select the correct abstract category to receive proper scientific consideration and a fair/unbiased grade by reviewers with expertise in the field of research. These are the categories:
- Applied clinical neuroscience
- Experimental basic neuroscience
- Neuroscience for education
- Neurotechnology
- Projects (if your work is just beginning and you have not obtained any results yet, you can submit it in this category)
As mentioned above, we´re asking each participant to send a short video presentation of their work. The video will be used whether the event is in-person or virtual. Here are the instructions for this video.
- The video must be between 01 and 03 minutes long and clearly and objectively summarize your work. The video should be like an invitation for participants to visit your poster.
- The video must be named as follows: full name of the work_name of the person presenting/author.
- MP4 format with a limit of 400MB, resolution 1920×1080, recorded horizontally, in English (preferably) or Portuguese. Please pay attention to the sound and image quality.
- Send a link to access/download the video to the email [email protected] by 03/26/23 (March 26, 2023). The file can be uploaded to video platforms such as YouTube. Just make sure this link comes WITHOUT any access restriction, as it will be displayed on the event platform and cannot be subject to any viewing impediments.
- By sending the video, you agree with the terms below. If you do not agree, please communicate via this email.
I AUTHORIZE CEPID BRAINN, currently based at the State University of Campinas – UNICAMP, to use my image, present in any and all material sent to the 9th BRAINN CONGRESS event ( www.brainncongress.com ), including video images, photos , voice, and PDF files at its sole discretion. This authorization is granted free of charge, covering the use of the aforementioned image throughout the national territory and abroad, for scientific and/or event dissemination by CEPID BRAINN and may be used at any time in events that may to be carried out by CEPID BRAINN.
If the 9th BRAINN Congress happens as an in-person event, there will be printed posters sessions. Here are the instructions on how to prepare your posters.
- Posters must be in English.
- Each student is responsible for printing his/her poster.
- The specific dimensions for the poster will be informed soon.
Please make sure you include the following information in the right upper corner:
- Category of 1st author (undergrad, master, PhD, post-doc);
- If it is a “Projects” poster, please include this information in the right upper corner.
This year, we will select the best abstracts according to a combination of scores that includes the grades you already received from reviewers and the new grades you will receive during your presentation. We encourage the first authors to present their work; otherwise, the poster will not enter the competition. The great challenge will be to present your study to a broad audience, meaning you have to make an effort to impress reviewers from different areas of expertise. Be creative to explain your rationale/background, methods, results and conclusions to scientists from different areas!
Some participants will be chosen to present their work as an “Oral Presentation”. This means that they will have the opportunity to prepare a 07-minute PowerPoint presentation, followed by a 03-minute Q&A, during the event. Here are the instructions for this presentation.
- Slides must be prepared in English.
- The title text font must be in Arial (32pt) or Times New Roman (40pt).
- The content text font must be Arial (24pt) or Times New Roman (30pt).
- For slides with light backgrounds, we recommend dark fonts.
- For slides including video, we recommend using the full screen size.
- If the first author cannot present the slides, we will accept a co-author from the same category. If this is not possible, please let us know.
Your presentation is expected to last 07 minutes, with 03 minutes for questions and answers. We recommend making a 10-slide presentation (maximum 12). Send your files to the organization ([email protected]) by April 3rd, 2023.
⇲ Click here to download the Abstract Submission Template (.docx)
(the basic Abstract template)
⇲ Or click here to download the Project Template (.docx)
(a ‘Project’ is a Category that you can select if your work is just beginning and you have not obtained any results yet)
⇲ Click here to download the PPT Presentation Template (.pptx)
(a PowerPoint template for your presentation)
Format rules for Abstracts (all must be in English):
- Title must be in 14pt bold Times New Roman.
- Authors’ names must be in 12pt Times New Roman.
- Affiliations must be in 10pt Times New Roman.
- Section titles must be in 12pt bold Times New Roman.
- Section text and references must be in 12pt Times New Roman.
- Margins must be 2 cm (all sides), and simple line spacing must be used.
- the abstract must fit in a single A4 Sheet.
- The BRAINN logo must be at the upper left corner and the congress name, date and place at the upper right corner (see the Template on the previous tab).
- References must be cited in the text by numbers enclosed in square brackets (e.g., [1])
References’ format must be:
- if the reference has a DOI: cite the first author (followed by “et al.” if there are more authors), then the DOI, as in:
- [1] Surname AB et al., doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.10.003;
- if the reference does not have a DOI: cite the first author (followed by “et al.” if there are more authors), then the abbreviated journal name (do not write the title of the paper), followed directly by the volume, issue, pages, and year, as in:
- [1] Surname AB et al., Journal 33(5): 1014-1018, 2010.
Tables and/or Figures:
You can include two elements (Tables and/or Figures) in your abstract. Ensure your figure/table is clear, with an appropriate font size to be visible. Avoid complex graphics; simple line or bar graphs are most appropriate (all figures will be printed in black/white). Certify that the font size is adequately large on each axis to be visible.
Use the print preview tool available in any word-processing software to check a printed version of the abstract before submitting it. Be sure the two figures/graphs fit in one page, along with the text abstract (see the template with example).
The BRAINN logo must be at the upper left corner, and the congress name, date and place at the top right corner (see template).
Tables and Figures must fit in a single A4 sheet.
Avoid common mistakes:
Abstracts not following the required format will not be accepted.
Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before submission. If accepted, your abstract will be printed as submitted, and no changes will be allowed.
Follow the checklist below and avoid these common mistakes!
- Typographical errors.
- Excessive use of abbreviations. All abbreviations should be defined. Use generic, not commercial, names for all therapeutic agents.
- Failure to include identifiable sections such as Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results, Discussion / Conclusions.
- Failure to state a conclusion. We encourage a final sentence that says: “In conclusion …”.
- Failure to state sample size.
- Do not include the names or personal information of any patient participating in the study or trial.
- Avoid duplicative work.
Remember: Make sure your abstract is clear, concise, and follows all rules. Show your abstract to a colleague prior to submission. A new review will help spot any errors and ensure the final product is ready for submission.
You can re-enter the submission system at any time to view and edit your abstract until the deadline. No changes will be allowed after the submission deadline. You are welcome to present an updated poster/slide onsite, as long as it does not change the main idea of the submitted work.
Confirmed Speakers

Richard Frayne
Hopewell Professor of Brain Imaging, University of Calgary/Foothills Medical Centre / BRAINN Researcher
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Richard Frayne has over 30 years of experience in pursuing imaging research in a clinical environment. He is a Professor (with tenure) in the Departments of Radiology and Clinical Neuroscience, a member and the Deputy Director of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute (HBI, hbi.ucalgary.ca) at the Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary. He directs the Vascular Imaging Laboratory (www.ucalgary.ca/vil) within the Seaman Family Centre, Foothills Medical Centre, Alberta Health Services (mrcentre.ca). He holds a BASc (Electrical Engineering, 1989) from the University of Waterloo and PhD from the University of Western Ontario (Medical Biophysics, 1994), and completed a post-doctoral fellowship in Medical Physics and Radiology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1994-6). In 2010, he was appointed to the Hopewell Professorship in Brain Imaging and focusses his research on the development and application of new imaging techniques and tools for the study, detection and treatment of cerebrovascular disease in humans. His work bridges natural science and engineering through to clinical application. Dr Frayne runs a diverse research group and is active in research training. Over 80 undergraduate students and medical students, 40 graduate students, and 20 post-doctoral fellows have trained with him. He has over 200 published, peer-reviewed publications, and given over 125 invited talks and over 550 scholarly presentations (h-index: 53, >14,300 citations, Google Scholar). He received the Alumni Achievement Medal (Research) from the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Waterloo in 2018 and was elected a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences in 2021.

Yujiang Wang
Newcastle University Researcher
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Newcastle University - Researcher at Newcastle Uni studying the human brain in health and disease (epilepsy primarily) using computing & mathematics. UKRI FLF.
"I am currently a Future Leaders Fellow in the School of Computing at Newcastle University. I am based in the Interdisciplinary Computing and Complex BioSystems research group.
The majority of my work is on mathematical/computational modelling and advanced data analytics in neurological disorders (primarily epilepsy).
My wider research interests currently also include neuroimaging and neuromorphology in health and disease".

Clarissa Lin Yasuda
Unicamp / BRAINN Researcher
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Possui graduação em Medicina pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1998), residência em Neurocirurgia (2003), mestrado (2005), doutorado (2009) em Ciências Médicas (Neurologia) pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas. Realizou pós-doutorado na Universidade Estadual de Campinas sob a supervisão do Prof. Fernando Cendes; realizou também Pós-doutorado na University College of London (2011-UCL) em ressonância funcional e epilepsia, bem como na University of Nottingham (2012), com ênfase em ressonância funcional de alto campo (7Tesla). Realizou pós-doutorado na University of Alberta (2012-2014), cumprindo parte do tempo com pesquisas em Neuroimagem e parte como Epilepsy Surgery fellowship. Atualmente é professora (MS3) do Departamento de Neurologia da UNICAMP. Tem experiência na área de Medicina, com ênfase em epilepsia e neuroimagem, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: cirurgia de epilepsia, epilepsias parciais, ressonância magnética e outras técnicas de análise de RM. Atualmente é coordenadora do projeto NeuroCovid na UNICAMP.

Márcio Balthazar
Unicamp / BRAINN Researcher
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Possui graduação em Medicina (2000); Residência médica em Neurologia Clínica (2004), especialização em Neurologia Cognitiva/Neuropsicologia (2005), Doutorado (2008) e Pós-Doutorado (2012) em Neurologia pela FCM UNICAMP. Atualmente, é Professor Livre Docente do Departamento de Neurologia da FCM UNICAMP, chefe do grupo de Neurologia Cognitiva e do Comportamento e coordenador do Laboratório de Imagem e Biomarcadores em doenças Cognitivas (LImBiC). Foi secretário (2014-2016) e coordenador (2016-2018) do Departamento Científico de Neurologia Cognitiva e do Envelhecimento da Academia Brasileira de Neurologia. Interesses principais em Neurologia Cognitiva, Neuropsicologia, Neuropsiquiatria Geriátrica, Neurociência Cognitiva, novos métodos em Ressonância Magnética e biomarcadores da doença de Alzheimer.

Roberto Lent
Professor of Neuroscience, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
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Médico pela UFRJ (1972), Mestre e Doutor pelo Instituto de Biofísica da UFRJ (1973 e 1978), Pós-doutor no Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1979-1982). Professor emérito do ICB da UFRJ e pesquisador do Instituto D’Or de Pesquisa e Ensino. Membro titular e atual diretor da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, Pesquisador 1A do CNPq e Cientista do Nosso Estado da FAPERJ. Fundador e Coordenador-Geral da Rede Nacional de Ciência para Educação. Coordenador da Cátedra Unesco de Ciência para Educação. Sua linha de pesquisa abrange temas de neuroplasticidade e neurodesenvolvimento, tanto utilizando modelos animais como cérebros humanos, com mais de 100 artigos em periódicos internacionais e livros multiautorais. Tem forte atividade também como divulgador da neurociência para o grande público, com muitos livros e artigos publicados.

Leonardo Elias
Unicamp / BRAINN Researcher
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Leonardo Abdala Elias is an Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering with the Department of Electronics and Biomedical Engineering, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Campinas (UNICAMP, Brazil). Also, he is a researcher and current director of the Center for Biomedical Engineering, UNICAMP. He is the founder and current head of the Neural Engineering Research Laboratory (NER Lab). His research in neural engineering focuses on theoretical/computational and experimental investigations that aimed at understanding how different elements of the neuromusculoskeletal system interact during normal and pathological control of human movement. Dr. Elias received a BS in electrical engineering from the Federal University of Goias (Goiania, Brazil) in 2008, and the MS and PhD in biomedical engineering from the University of Sao Paulo (Sao Paulo, Brazil) in 2010 and 2013, respectively. He was a post-doctoral fellow at the Biomedical Engineering Lab, University of Sao Paulo (2013-2015) and a visiting researcher at the Department of Neurorehabilitation Engineering, Georg-August University (Goettingen, Germany, 2015). He has a habilitation ("privat-dozent") in biomedical engineering from the University of Campinas (2022). He is a member of the International MotoNeuron Society and the Brazilian Society of Biomedical Engineering.

Donald Gross
University of Alberta
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Dr. Donald Gross is currently appointed as Professor in the Department of Medicine in the Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry.
Preliminary Program
Monday – April 17th, 2023
- 08:30 – 09:00: Registration
- 09:00 – 09:30: Opening Ceremony
- 09:30 – 10:30: Invited talk: Richard Frayne
- 10:30 – 11:00: Coffee Break
- 11:00 – 12:00: Oral Session I
- 12:00 – 12:30: Oral poster previews I – MSc and undergrad students
- 12:30 – 14:30: Lunch Break
- 14:30 – 15:30: BRAINN Talk: Márcio Balthazar
- Structural and functional brain networks in Alzheimer’s disease: data from BRAINN
- 15:30 – 16:00: Coffee Break
- 16:00 – 17:30: Poster session I – MSc and undergrad students
Tuesday – April 18th, 2023
- 08:30 – 09:00: Registration
- 09:00 – 09:30: Oral session II
- 09:30 – 10:30: Invited Talk: Yujiang Wang
- From brain shape to function: a computational perspective
- 10:30 – 11:00: Coffee Break
- 11:00 – 12:00: Oral session III
- 12:00 – 12:30: Oral poster previews II – PhD students
- 12:30 – 14:30: Lunch Break
- 14:30 – 15:30: Invited Talk: Roberto Lent
- Connectomic Reserve: the Secret Connections of the Brain
- 15:30 – 16:00: Coffee Break
- 16:00 – 18:00: Poster session II – PhD students
- 19:00 – 21:00: Social Event (must be paid separately)
Wednesday – April 19th, 2023
- 08:30 – 09:00: Registration
- 09:00 – 09:30: Oral session IV
- 09:30 – 10:30: BRAINN Talk:
- Clarissa Yasuda
- Functional and structural cerebral alterations associated with Long- Covid
- Dr. Donald Gross
- In vivo hippocampal subfield imaging in temporal lobe epilepsy
- Clarissa Yasuda
- 10:30 – 11:00: Coffee Break
- 11:00 – 12:00: BRAINN Talk: Leonardo Elias
- Fatigability in post-COVID syndrome
- 12:00 – 12:30: Oral session V
- 12:30 – 14:30: Lunch Break
- 14:30 – 15:30: Poster session III – Projects (no results yet)
- 15:30 – 16:00: Best paper awards / Closing ceremony
Related Events

Information on how to register for the event coming soon.
[email protected]
Av. Érico Veríssimo, 1251 – Cidade Universitária, Campinas - SP
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The BRAINN_XR Symposium aims to disseminate the advances in the area of Virtual Reality for Neurofunctional Recovery and to promote interaction among researchers from other institutions interested in this subject area.
Workshop LBE-Brainn
I Workshop LBE-Brainn de Pesquisa Básica
More information coming soon. Limited number of enrollments.
Questions can be sent to [email protected].
Av. Érico Veríssimo, 1251 – Cidade Universitária, Campinas - SP
Click here to check the Program
9:00 – ABERTURA: Claudia Maurer Morelli e André S. Vieira
10:30 - 11:00 – MODELOS EM EPILEPSIA: André Schwanbach Vieira
11:00 - 11:30 – EPILEPSIA EM ORGANÓIDES: Simoni Avansini
12:00 - 13:00 – BRUNCH
13:00 - 15:00 – RODA DE CONVERSA
The 9th Brainn Congress is sponsored by the following partners:
A Liga Brasileira de Epilepsia é uma associação que congrega médicos e outros profissionais dedicados à saúde das pessoas com epilepsia.
Desenvolvemos tecnologia para aumentar a qualidade de vida de pacientes com epilepsia e seus familiares.
Conheça alguns de nossos produtos:
Aplicativo do paciente ou cuidador que é um diário de epilepsia
Neuroscience to improve Latin American Identity. Scientific questions and experimental designs for the development of culture, behavior, perception and Latin American consciousness.

Organizing Committee
- Clarissa Lin Yasuda – Medical Sciences School, UNICAMP
- Fernando Cendes – Medical Sciences School, UNICAMP
- Gabriela Castellano – Institute of Physics Gleb Wataghin, UNICAMP
- Li Li Min – Medical Sciences School, UNICAMP
Executive secretaries
- Andréa Ismara de Araújo Ruas
- Lilian Cristina dos Santos Costa Capelli
- Sonia Neves Romeo Rocchi Silva
Inquiries, questions and suggestions are welcome!
Contact us
Scientific Committee
- Alberto Rolim Muro Martinez
- Alexandre Brandão
- Alexandre Hideki Okano
- Ana Carolina Coan
- André Kazuo Takahata
- Bruna Carlos
- Brunno Machado de Campos
- Cassio Ruas
- Claudia Viana Maurer Morelli
- Danielle Bruno Carmo
- Danyela Barbosa Dogini
- Diego Roberto Dias Colombo
- Diogo Coutinho Soriano
- Elayne Vieira
- Elena Partesotti
- Estela Maria Bruxel
- Fernando José Von Zuben
- Gabriela Castellano
- Jorge Vicente Lopes da Silva
- Leonardo Abdala Elias
- Leticia Rittner
- Lilia Freire Rodrigues S. Li
- Luciana Ramalho Pimentel
- Marcio L. Figueredo Balthazar
- Marco Antonio Garcia de Carvalho
- Marcondes Cavalcante França Junior
- Marina Koutsodontis Machado Alvim
- Mateus Henrique Nogueira
- Rachel Guimaraes
- Rafael Silveira
- Raphael F. Casseb
- Ricardo Ribeiro Gudwin
- Rodrigo Secolin
- Rosana Veroneze
- Sarah Negreiros de Carvalho Leite
- Simone Appenzeller
- Tania Kawazaki
- Thiago Junqueira Rezende
- Wu Shin Ting